Fertilizing and Weed Control


Green Meadows fertilizer division takes great pride in your lawn. We only use the highest quality granular fertilizers and weed control products. You will never see us using a watered-down fertilizer from a massive truck – a “generic blend” that ALL the big companies use to treat all yards the same. Our fertilizer program is 100% granular, with slow release nitrogen, and customized to each individual lawn for each application. High-quality fertilizer applications are important for proper disease resistance, weed control and the overall health of your lawn and root structure. Our fertilizing and weed control services can be customized to meet your budget as well. We offer a 5-application process, or pick and choose from any of the individual applications to meet your needs.

In addition to your fertilizer applications, every homeowner should consider a Lime application and treatments for Grubs and other lawn-damaging insects.


Want the most for your lawn? This premium package will give your lawn what it needs all season long to ensure you have a great-looking lawn and a healthy lawn and root system. Our most popular program includes all 5-applications, and we guarantee your yard to be weed-free.

We will come back within a week’s notice to spray any new weeds. Pre-pay for your premium package and save 10%! Included are the following applications:

  1. Early spring fertilizer with crabgrass, preventative and broadleaf weed control
  2. Late spring fertilizer with crabgrass, preventative and broadleaf weed control
  3. Mid-summer fertilizer application and broadleaf weed control
  4. Early fall fertilizer and broadleaf weed control
  5. Late fall winterizer fertilizer application

With this option, you can pick and choose as many applications as you want from the following to meet your needs and budget, while still receiving the same products and quality care. Remember, only our Premium 5- application package is guaranteed to be weed-free.

Pick and choose from the following (a popular budget program includes applications 1, 2, and 4):

  1. Early spring fertilizer with crabgrass preventative and broadleaf weed control 2. Late spring fertilizer with crabgrass, preventative and broadleaf weed control 3. Mid-summer fertilizer application and broadleaf weed control
  2. Early fall fertilizer and broadleaf weed control
  3. Late fall winterizer fertilizer application

Want to get rid of those difficult weeds? This option is used for getting rid of weeds ONLY. There is no fertilizer with this option, just an herbicide application. We use quality products and mechanical sprayers to ensure we apply correct amounts safely and accurately. This method is especially effective for dandelions, creeping charlie, buckthorn, clover, spurge and many other weeds.

Lime is commonly used in association with fertilizer. Lime is applied to help neutralize the acid in your soil and aid in the absorption of nutrients to the grass, allowing it to become healthy and fight off disease. Your yard should be tested to each year to see if your PH levels are low. Our trained staff can tell you, at any time of the year, if your lawn needs a lime application.

Grubs ARE the biggest danger to your yard. Chances are that if you have seen Japanese beetles in your area, then you have grubs. Grubs feed in the root zone of your yard, causing plant stress, and ultimately cause your lawn to die out. This will lead to costly lawn repairs, and sometime complete lawn renovations.

Our highly-effective preventative grub control application will give you a full year of protection against most grubs and other surface-feeding larvae. (Service applied late spring AND early summer.)

If your lawn is diagnosed and you already have grubs, no worries. We also offer a curative grub application when your lawn is already showing signs of grub damage. This is a fast-acting product that will rid the grubs from your lawn and get you back on track.

This is a great package when you need to rejuvenate your yard without the hassles and costs of starting over with sod. This works well after your yard has suffered from lawn disease, or it’s just thinner than desired. This package includes the following: dethatching, double overpass aeration, lime, starter fertilizer and a broadcast over-seeding. Remember, watering is always a must to get any seed to germinate.

What Clients Say

…you took our yard which was brown, sparse and full of weeds and turned it into the best looking lawn in the neighborhood. It is green, weedless and lush. We’ve had several people comment on how our grass feels like carpet. And, when we had that brown spot last year, you and your crew did a great job of getting it back to looking like the rest of the yard.
Michael H

Why Choose Us?

      • We’re professionals with over 13 years of experience and education in the industry.
      • We’re fully insured and licensed.
      • We have excellent client reviews & testimonials, and we’re happy to provide a list of referrals at your request.
      • We only use equipment and products that are above industry standards to ensure the most high-quality work.
      • After you create the property of your dreams, you’ll find comfort in knowing we have an entire division dedicated to helping you maintain your property & project for years to come.
      • We keep the same crew on site week after week so they get to know you, your property and the special attention to detail it deserves.
      • Our crews don’t hurry. We are efficient with our top-of-the-line equipment, but no detail is overlooked.

Contact us today.

Call us: 612-281-2835
Or email us: greenmeadows_lawn@yahoo.com